Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash. 公司不能从银行账户中提取现金。
One challenge: local investors in emerging markets tend to put most of their money in bank accounts and fixed-income securities rather than in the stock market. 挑战之一:新兴市场本地投资者倾向于将钱存入银行账户及购买固定收益证券,而不投资股票市场。
He found that some clients were poor, so he put rich people's money into their accounts. 他发现有些储户很穷,便偷偷地挪用富人帐户里的钱去“帮助”他们。
Mister Ferrari says his website also enables outsiders to add money to the accounts of its users. 名仕法拉利说,他的网站也让外人要加钱,它的用户帐户。
Article 138. When operating brokerage business, securities companies shall set up separate securities and money accounts for customers and shall separately manage the securities and money delivered to them by the customers. 第一百三十八条证券公司办理经纪业务,必须为客户分别开立证券和资金帐户,并对客户交付的证券和资金按户分帐管理,如实进行交易记录,不得作虚假记载。
Those who've already put money in offshore accounts intend to add more: 60% said they intend to invest more abroad. 那些已经将资金放入海外账户的人打算投入更多:有60%的人说他们计划扩大海外投资。
France, Belgium and Argentina have launched formal probes into allegations that HSBC helped citizens of those countries to hide undeclared money in accounts at its Swiss private bank. 法国、比利时和阿根廷已针对有关汇丰帮助本国公民在汇丰瑞士私人银行隐匿未申报财产的说法启动了正式调查。
But there may have been too much of a good thing for Switzerland: As international traders leery of other nations 'financial stability poured money into the safety of Swiss money accounts, the franc jumped in value, putting a dent in Swiss exports and tourism. 但对瑞士来说也有坏消息:由于国际贸易者怀疑其他国家的金融稳定性,把太多钱存在瑞士的账户,导致瑞士法郎升值,对瑞士的出口和旅游业造成打击。
Gate money accounts for only two thirds of the club's income. 票房总收入只占俱乐部收入的三分之二。
Cases of carjacking occur, sometimes with the occupants being taken and forced to withdraw money from their accounts at cash machines. 劫车案件时有发生,劫车者有时会一并劫持车中乘客,并迫使他们通过自助取款机从自己的账户里取钱。
There's too much money in these accounts. 这些户口有太多存款。
But depositors do not like putting their money in low-yielding accounts, so banks have been creating wealth management products to keep them satisfied. 但是,储户不愿把钱存入低收益的存款账户,所以银行一直在推出各种理财产品以满足他们的需求。
Lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies. 缺钱是她辍学的原因。
Another victim, called Sharon, who spoke yesterday said her life and her future has been ruined, '' implored Mr Madoff to tell authorities if he or his family has any money in offshore accounts. 一位名叫莎伦(Sharon)的受害者昨日表示,她的生活和未来已经被毁掉了。她恳求马多夫向监管机构坦白,他或他家庭的海外账户里是否还有钱。
Stocks, mutual funds, money market accounts, options, and more. 股票,共同基金,货币市场账户,期权等。
US officials have accused UBS staff of helping American clients hide money in offshore accounts. 美国官方指控UBS帮助美国客户在离岸帐户上隐藏收入。
And they show little sign of withdrawing the hefty piles of cash sitting in money market accounts or abandoning investments in the perceived safety of government bonds. 而他们没有显示出要撤离货币市场账户中的大量现金、或放弃在公认安全的政府债券上投资的迹象。
A transfer of money between bank accounts. 两个银行账户的资金转移。
His first problem came from Poland's notoriously unpredictable tax authorities, who in 1997 alleged he had not paid VAT, and confiscated money from his accounts. 他的第一个问题来自波兰以反复无常而出名的税务局。1997年,税务局声称他没有缴纳增值税,没收了他账户中的资金。
I do meet older people who are more conservative and who continue to keep their money in fixed-term accounts. 她表示:我的确遇到过一些比较保守的老年人,他们继续将钱放在定期帐户上。
An embezzling method that involves removing extremely small increments of money from financial accounts on a system. 一种挪用资金的体例,每次大系统的财政账号上移走数目极小的资金。
His view is now echoed by more and more working people who buy more things that they don't really need than put money into savings accounts that pay interests far below the pace of inflation. 人们争相买东西,甚至买些并不十分需要的东西,而并不把钱存入银行。这是因为存银行所得的利息远远不及通货膨胀的速度。
The most common are savings accounts, time or term deposit accounts, foreign currency accounts, cash management accounts, money market accounts and checking accounts. 最常见的是储蓄账户、定期存款账户、外汇账户、现金治理账户、货币市场账户和支票账户。
When the enemy came, he packed up his counting board, writing brush, money and accounts in his bedding roll, strapped on a couple of hand grenades and ran away fast, his bank on his back. 敌人一来,他就把算盘、毛笔、钱和帐簿打进背包,腰里别上两枚手榴弹,背着他的“银行”迅速转移。
People give gifts and parents put that money into bank accounts or piggy banks. 人们会送礼物,父母会将这些钱存进银行账户或放入储蓄罐。
The total stock of money in the economy; currency held by the public plus money in accounts in banks. 经济生活中所有的货币库存;公众持有的通货量与银行帐户之和。
Pakistan officials also revealed details of a money trail linking accounts in the UK and Pakistan. 巴基斯坦官员也批露了英国和巴基斯坦之间的一条资金转移途径的细节。
Banks say that the fees compensate for the risk they incur when they make payments on behalf of customers who do not have enough money in their accounts. 银行表示,代表账户资金不足的客户进行支付会导致风险,而收费是为了补偿这种风险。
You can then put your extra money into savings accounts and investment portfolios. 积累财富的一个密诀在于你能找到利益差价,把多余的钱用于储蓄和投资,然后就等着收利息吧。